Relaxing Immunity Booster with Infrared Sauna


We talk a lot about the health benefits of exposure to extreme cold, but did you know exposure to extreme heat can have just as much influence on your health? Infrared Sauna exposure can help support your immune system! Visiting Kori Kryotherapy regularly for sessions in our full spectrum infrared sauna will provide a gentle, [...]

Relaxing Immunity Booster with Infrared Sauna2021-12-29T17:10:26-08:00

Fast Forward Healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Today, it takes more than physical strength and skill to compete as an athlete. It takes mental clarity, stamina, and focus to perform at your very best. What athlete isn’t looking for an edge? At Kori Kryotherapy, we provide Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to boost performance levels and increase mental focus. Using HBOT for Active Recovery: [...]

Fast Forward Healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy2021-12-29T17:10:26-08:00

Improve Your Health with Whole Body Cryotherapy!


Improve Your Health this year with Whole Body Cryotherapy! 1. Increase Energy Norepinephrine is a natural “Feel Good” hormone. Low amounts are associated with depression.  While in the Cryo chamber, your body secretes 3-5 times the normal amount of norepinephrine.  Giving you a similar sensation to a cup of coffee. It’s synonymous with alertness, goal [...]

Improve Your Health with Whole Body Cryotherapy!2021-12-29T17:10:29-08:00
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