Lupus – The Purple Rose Foundation


In deciding to open a cryotherapy business I had no idea what an impact it was going to make on others suffering from pain. Myself I used cryotherapy for a knee injury. Finding that cryotherapy can treat some many other disorders I was determined to be open 7 days a week providing services to those [...]

Lupus – The Purple Rose Foundation2018-01-04T10:23:16-08:00

CBD Dosage and What Is Right For You


So you want to start taking CBD, but how do you determine the right dose for you? If you’ve never tried CBD before, there are a few things you should know. While most of the headlines focus on seizures and epilepsy, pre- clinical and anecdotal evidence suggests that the cannabinoid can calm anxiety, lift mood, fight pain, [...]

CBD Dosage and What Is Right For You2017-12-30T14:09:24-08:00
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